Learners seek acceptance, understanding and trustworthy connection with teachers. This isn’t impossible to look for in my online class because I firmly believe that learning is a two way path and there is always something for me to learn from my students which allows me to understand them as well as to observe and study their preferred learning style.
As a teacher, I have a preferred teaching style and since I have started selling my services online the focus is less about myself but more about my students. Many learners respond well to a mixture of styles, but if a student is strongly one type of learner, that will help me both when planning and customizing lessons and activities.
Lessons are “tailor-made” in connection with one to one online class which means I devise lessons to suit the exact needs of my student and to wholly utilize their studying time with me. Here are the potential questions to be raised
Q1. "What are the observation methods and tools used in order to determine learner's preferred learning style?
Answer: Concerning my online one to one English classes, I use a Needs Analysis Questionnaire to find out exactly what the learner wants or needs to work on. This allows me to concentrate on the areas which is of learner’s interest.
The Needs Analysis Questionnaire are carried out with beginner to advanced level learners, comprising of questions as listed below alongside options to choose:
What is the most difficult to you right now when it comes to speaking in English? Eg: A- Speaking with people face to face
Which activities are most helpful for you in learning English? Eg: A- Dialogue Reading
Rank your skills in order from 1-5 as listed below from the strongest to the weakest Eg: Grammar, Pronunciation, Speaking, Vocabulary, Listening
Q2. How about determining children's preferred learning style in Online English Speaking course for kids ?
Answer: In my English classes for kids online aged 4 to 7 years old, I do not use Needs Analysis Questionnaire instead I devise effective lessons to make the class interesting by including songs to sing along, videos to watch followed by questions to answer, quizzes and additional coloring activities which will be emailed to parents prior to commencing class.
Children are curious about everything that revolves around them and have a short attention span which is natural for them to leans towards preferring kinaesthetic learning style. Online classes doesn’t restrict them from exploring! Having said that, if you are keen to learn how to effectively communicate with children here is a gem of a read from my recent blog post.
As a teacher, I have to act as the catalyst in order to suggest ideas and help get students thinking of their preference and learning patterns. Not every student will be responsive, some will need time to open up and get comfortable to voice out but it is highly achievable to get them talking in a one to one private class. This is because the student does not need to fear anything knowing the teacher is the only person they will be interacting with in a safe space at their own comfort.
Now, let us explore the 3 simple categories of learners learning styles below:
Visual Learning Style
– Learn through seeing. This is where learners learn best through seeing visual displays, teacher’s expression and body language to understand the content of a lesson.
2. Auditory Learning Style – Learn through listening. Auditory learners learn best by listening enthusiastically and are naturally great listeners because they enjoy listening to verbal lectures and participating in discussions. Auditory learns focuses on hearing things spoken before seeing them written down.
3. Kinaesthetic Learning Style – Learn through moving, doing and touching. Kinaesthetic learners naturally have the need for movement and learns best when shown simulations like role plays where learners typically possess good motor memory and the ability to respond quickly. They aren’t impatient learners to move quicker, they naturally have the urge to explore more and not sit still which is just another preferred way of learning.
Are you excited to learn more about your preferred learning style or your child’s? Let’s end the wait here, fill in this form today for a FREE Assessment class. I will see you soon. 😊
With delight,